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Разработчик Incidental

pyka_loop is an interactive sound environment that enables you to create remarkable music from the sounds of the world around you.

This app is designed to make electronic music-making more immediate, explorative, and playful. With pyka_loop you can record anything from the clanging of the washing up to the crescendo of an orchestra - and then prod, push, pull, tap, twist, pinch, spin, slide, and squish to skronkify your loops to create unique soundworks.

After a decade of responsive workshops and interventions, over 20,000 people from a range of backgrounds have helped us hone the design of an environment that provides you with a new way to engage in worlds of sound. pyka_loop celebrates an ‘object-oriented’ approach to interactive sound, and establishes an unguided experience that promotes exploration and rewards curiosity.

It doesn’t matter your experience in music making, pyka_loop has been created for you.

pyka_loop is developed by pyka with funding from The Arts Council of Wales and the Welsh Government.


Mae pyka_loop yn amgylchfyd sain rhyngweithiol sy’n galluogi chi i greu cerddoriaeth hynod o synaur byd och cwmpas.

Maer ap hwn wedii gynllunio i wneud creu cerddoriaeth electronig yn fwy uniongyrchol, archwiliadol, a chwareus. Gyda pyka_loop gallwch recordio unrhyw beth or clansior golchi llestri, i grescendo cerddorfa - ac yna prod, gwthio, tynnu, tapio, troelli, pinsio, llithro a gwasgu i skronkio eich loops i creu gweithiau sain unigryw.

Ar ôl degawd o weithdai ac ymyraethau ymatebol, dros 20,000 o bobl o amrywiaeth o gefndiroedd wedi ein helpu i gwellla y dyluniad amgylchedd syn rhoi ffordd newydd i chi ymgysylltu â bydoedd sain. pyka_loop yn dathlu dull ‘gwrthrych-gyfeiriadol’ i sain ryngweithiol, a sefydlu profiad di-arweiniad syn hyrwyddo archwilio a gwobru chwilfrydedd.

Does dim ots eich profiad o greu cerddoriaeth, mae pyka_loop wedii greu ar eich cyfer chi.

pyka_loop yn cael ei ddatblygu gan pyka gyda chyllid o Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru a Llywodraeth Cymru.